Jacqueline's biography
Jacqueline De Angelis is a poet and fiction writer who is the winner of the Crossing Boundaries Award for innovative and experimental writing, as well as a finalist for the Emily Dickinson, Allen Ginsberg, and Finishing Line Press's New Women's Voices awards. Her poetry has been published in Agni, International Quarterly, The Patterson Literary Review, Minute Magazine, and in Another City: Writing from Los Angeles, City Lights Press, among other publications. Her chapbook, Everything reaches out to everything else was published by Finishing Line Press, November 2020. She co-founded and published the first literary magazine and press started in Los Angeles by women: rara avis magazine and Books of a Feather. She receive her MFA from Bennington College in Vermont and has taught writing workshops in various elementary, senior schools, and colleges. She has been in residency at Dorland Mountain Colony and Hedgebrook. She writes from Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains.
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©2024/2025 Jacqueline De Angelis, writing, audio, video, paintings and site images are the property of Jacqueline De Angelis. Photography: Ricardo Medina, Edean Amador. Watercolors: Jacqueline De Angelis. Design: Simple West.
©2024/2025 Jacqueline De Angelis, writing, audio, video, paintings and site images are the property of Jacqueline De Angelis. Photography: Ricardo Medina, Edean Amador. Watercolors: Jacqueline De Angelis. Design: Simple West.